Wednesday, May 18, 2016

How to Start a Blog in 4 Steps

"More people than ever are online. This explosion in growth means more potential readers for your blog. In short, there is no better time than today to start your blog." Starting a blog is simple and we are here to help! Follow the four easy steps below and you are on your way.

1. Choose a name for your blog. This might be the most time consuming part of the proces. Picking the right name is key to making sure the blog works well with your brand and what you want reader's to gain from the blog.

2. Pick a blog site. Sites such as Blogger and WordPress are very user friendly and free, but there are dozens of other sites to choose from.

3. Customize your blog design and layout. Many blog platforms have templates, but there are also features that allow you to completely customize the blog format.

4. Write your first blog post!

It's that easy! Blogs are a great way to showcase your brand's voice and allow a more creative outlet. Don't worry about posting everyday, but when you do post, make sure you share it across various platforms.

For more information on getting your blog started, check out this article.

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