Tuesday, September 6, 2016

5 Tips on How to Generate Business with LinkedIn

Studies show that 50% of LinkedIn users are likely to buy from a company they connect with on a social platform.

1. Look Sharp & Be Active. It is important to have a recent picture that is not blurry and does not have other people in the photo. You must also have a filled out profile. "An engaged profile is as important as a business card or a website."

2. Dig Deep. Do your research. Use LinkedIn as a library. A good idea is to utilize LinkedIn before you make a cold call. it will cut down on prospecting and lead you to the big players.

3. Stay in Touch. Maintaining LinkedIn relationships is just as important as developing them. Repeat customers come from those who feel valued.

4. Be Responsive. Do not sit on LinkedIn messages. You answer your emails, do the same for messages from connections within LinkedIn.

5. Use it Often. Use LinkedIn regularly and to get in the habit of going there often, try to log in once a day. It's very important to main active and nourish the relationships. Another resource is to join a group. Here you can gain value insight in your field from peers.

Read the full article that inspired this post here.

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