Friday, May 6, 2016

Step Up Your Instagram Game with These Easy Tips

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms available. With millions of users and images, what can you do to stand out? We sought out this article from Mirror for tips and tricks on how to step up our Instagram game. Here are the tips we liked most:

1. Cropping Matters. "How you crop an image can have a major impact on how the image is perceived by viewers." Using simple techniques, such as the "rule of thirds," can draw a user's eye to the subject.

2. It's All About the Angles. Everyone has seen the image of the table food shot. In the end, how you angle your photos can have an impact on their tone and feel.

3. Filter, Filter, Filter.  "There are currently 40 different filters available. Not all of them are available by default but you can turn on the options for the extras by scrolling to the end of the filters list and selecting ‘Manage ’." While applying filters can be fun, be careful not to over filter. No one likes an over processed picture.

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